Mentorship Program
When we look at solving a problem, we usually look at what can we omit, withdraw, reduce or cancel. What is going wrong? rather than asking the question,
What can go right?
It is easier to imagine a world without a few features rather than add new ones.
Imagine a colour that you have not seen before, you likely will fail ….
As a cognitive scientist, I can explain this by the amount of cognitive effort required to add rather than omit. Your brain has to do less work.
It is often simpler to stop others from acting in a certain way than to motivate them to act when they had no intention of doing so. The case in question is your regular annual performance review.
But this idea of new models is so powerful that you will fall in love with it once you challenge your brain to expend that amount of cognitive effort.
Let me give you an example of Occam’s razor mental model. A problem solving mental model which emphasizes preference for simplicity, for example,in college, as interns, we were instructed, “when you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras.”
Simply meaning, look for the simple and common causes of a presenting illness rather than concocting an elaborate or more complex syndromes.
Holds true for life as well.
Here are some of the new mental models that you may want to explore.
These have helped me immensely to expand my thinking.
IOCM has a vision of providing robust, effective, and Impactful coaching and mentoring solutions transforming the lives of leaders so that they can amplify business impact. Our mission is to expand the knowledge base of coaching and mentoring by working at the intersection of practice and research.
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