Mentorship Program
There are models, there are frameworks, there are philosophies, there is the vision, and the current reality and then there is INTENTION and COMMITMENT.
I personally think everything starts with an intention and is achieved through commitment. The strategic vision translating into concrete results demands both intention and commitment at every critical juncture to be able to build a sustainable culture. Therefore, in my work, there are 3 critical elements when put together in a sequential way help to bring about the desired cultural change with respect to coaching. I am sharing them with you to experiment, draw your own inspiration from and create your own thought process.
Don’t assert the value of coaching. Instead, demonstrate its value, particularly in situations where the leaders are themselves are not able to resolve.
The idea is bought when the Stakeholder says “I’ve been struggling with this for the last 2 months. It’s amazing that in only 20 minutes with you, I’ve found alternative ways of handling this. I have newfound confidence!”
A culture is a micro-cosm and an out-come of many small intentional acts of courage, thinking and empathic nurturing. Embed coaching in some of your leadership programs for targeted populations, like high potentials, senior managers, and senior experts. It’s the equivalent of learning how to walk before you run. This also helps in getting you brand ambassadors for building a culture of Coaching.
The collective performance of an organisation is a sum total of each employee’s performance. A sum total achieves when each employee/ people manager starts donning the hat of a coach.
Building a coaching culture involves focuses on shifting unwritten rules, values, norms, behaviors, and practices to spread a coaching mindset and coaching practices throughout the organization so that coaching becomes a key part of the company’s identity. A coaching culture improves not only the way employees interact with each other, but also the interactions they have with customers and potential clients.
IOCM has a vision of providing robust, effective, and Impactful coaching and mentoring solutions transforming the lives of leaders so that they can amplify business impact. Our mission is to expand the knowledge base of coaching and mentoring by working at the intersection of practice and research.
Managed By: TechGigs LLP